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A legacy in motion
What will our next 75 years look like? While it is impossible to predict what society will look like in the future, we can be sure that we will strive to accomplish our four core values regardless.
Transforming Teenagers into Leaders
It's exciting to think about the untapped potential in the lives of our young people. We are given this opportunity to develop these lives and watch God do incredible things in and through them!
Inspiring Disciples Who Make Disciples
Pastor, you are a sower of ideas. When you sow seeds of possibility in the minds of disciples you can reap a crop of new disciples. Don’t keep the faith. Pass it along.
The Power of Next Gen Leaders
No matter where you’re reading this from, this past year has been unlike any other. The world has changed and perspectives have shifted. Norms, standards, and daily rituals, like getting up and driving to work, are no longer common practices. The upcoming generation is facing new challenges and circumstances that even 10 years ago we wouldn’t have given a second thought.
Thoughts from a Young Lead Pastor
“You’re the boss now!” These were some of the most exciting yet terrifying words I had ever heard. Quite honestly, I never imagined myself as a lead pastor. I spent six and a half years serving as a youth and associate pastor in two different churches, and while I felt that God was going to refocus my ministry, I never imagined that He would point me towards a lead pastor role.
Building Great (Young) Teams
Gary Taitinger recently shared with our NextGen Cohorts on including younger leaders in all levels of decision-making. This is challenging and time-consuming but the payoff is more than worth it!
5 Effective Mentoring Behaviours
Young ministry leaders are aching for mentorship but statistics continue to show that they’re not finding it. The reasons are complex. Older leaders haven’t been mentored themselves or had bad mentoring relationships. They’re busy and need to give their time to others. They may feel that getting this close to an employee is risky. They don’t want to make themselves vulnerable. Possibly, established leaders don’t see the benefits of making this kind of investment, but they need to.
4 Traits To Become A Leader Worth Following
Do today’s leaders know what it takes to mentor the next generation? Here are four things we all need to influence young leaders.
Plugged In
It’s not enough to just graduate students with faith intact. Our job has to be to set students up for a life of vibrant and thriving faith.
So how do we do this, and how do we not lose our teens when they enter Emerging Adulthood?