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Equipping Vital Churches
Missional vitality is one of the PAOC’s desired outcomes for its churches and ministries. We have been in a serious, ongoing evaluation of the status of that vitality as it relates to the health of our churches and their ability to multiply.
Relentlessly Outward Bound
When I look at Canadian churches that are experiencing growth by conversion, there is one common characteristic I see: they are relentlessly outward bound. At some point they made a decision that they will be about the people who are not yet a part of their church.
Fulfilling Our Calling
We’ve been empowered to reach those who are far from God. This is a vital mission in our world. We must not lose courage in being a distinct people called to a unique purpose.
14 Christmas Outreach Ideas
Growing churches must engage the community. We need to be visible and actively building bridges of relationship to those who have not yet come to our church. Christmas is a great time for your church to engage your community.
Canadians Reaching Canadians
We still hear stories of people coming to Jesus Christ. So, what does that look like in Canada? Here are some insights into how Canadians can reach Canadians.
6 Seating Strategies To Add Energy To Your Church
Well-designed seating makes a room come alive! It creates momentum and makes everyone feel like they’re a part of something big. Ineffective seating makes a room feel distant and dead. There’s a loss of connection and everyone can’t wait to get out of there…
5 Ways To Reach Your Campus
As you think about the fall and suitable ministry opportunities, give some consideration to the university and college campuses in your area.
7 Opportunities To Serve Your Community
The more you seek to serve your community, the greater the opportunity for a positive Christian witness…
4 Ideas For Outreach Into Your Community
How can you engage your community on a regular basis and build bridges of relationship? Here are four ideas that you can use to engage your community.
4 Questions To Help Your Church Become Outward Bound
The natural gravitational pull of every church is to become inward focused. Eventually, it becomes about us and our preferences over the mission of the church; reaching lost people…
Being Relentlessly Outward Bound
A value that I’ve seen being adopted by vitalized churches is to be “Relentlessly Outward Bound.” This becomes a core statement in the life of the church that helps congregants identify exactly what the church is here to do…
3 Key Relationships To Form Within Your Community
Unless we are intentional, the community will not come to us. Pastors and ministry leaders should be spending intentional time each week building relationships into the community…
Engage Your Community This Summer
It’s always a good idea to build bridges into your community but Summer is a great time here in ABNWT. Do whatever you can to reach those who are not yet a part of the family of God…
Beyond The Walls
Week after week there seems to be a disconnect between the desire to reach people with the gospel, and the actual doing. What is holding your congregation back? What could really get you the results you’re praying for?
Vitalization Workbook
The old Home Depot logo said, “You can do it, we can help”. As a district, that is the posture we want to take. We are in your corner. We are here to serve.
It All Rests On This One Thing
The main mission of the church is the mission of Jesus Christ; “To Seek and Save the Lost” (Luke 19:10)…
Re-Thinking Mission
The Church of Jesus Christ is the incarnate body of Christ today carrying out the same mission Jesus Christ carried out over 2,000 years ago…
Disciple Making
Too often we take a very narrow view of what Jesus meant, when he said, “make disciples.” I think disciple making involves three major areas of responsibility…