Evangelism, Outreach, Children, Serving Your Community Jeremiah Raible Evangelism, Outreach, Children, Serving Your Community Jeremiah Raible

6 Outreaches To Families with Children That You Should Do

In Canada, the largest demographic population is Millennials (ages 25-35) with young children. This is an incredible opportunity for the church to reach out to families with children. Whether you’re a large or small church, you can make connections and build bridges to families with children.

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Everyday Children's Ministry Heroes

We are inspired by our everyday Children’s Ministry heroes in the ABNWT District! What they did this past number of months is truly amazing. Kathy Zelman asked some of our CM people to send in highlights and it is so great to see what God is doing in our District. May this encourage you and spur on with some great ideas in your context this upcoming year.

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Assimilation, Children John Albiston Assimilation, Children John Albiston

Revolutionary Sunday School

People come to church for many reasons, but they only stay for one – that they’ve made good friends.  If we transformed our children’s ministry into something that facilitates the building of these friendships we would keep far more of our kids and families from falling through the cracks.

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Children Jeremiah Raible Children Jeremiah Raible

Kids Drive Their Parents To Church

When I was a kid, my parents “dragged” me to church whether I wanted to or not. The opposite is true today in many cases; in order for Mom and Dad to go to church, the children must want to go…

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